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How To Choose The Right Domain Name

Instead of using your website's internet protocol (IP) address, users search for it using a domain name, which provides an easy way to locate your site. Users do not have to memorize a string of random numbers and letters in order to find your website using a domain name. There are 1.93 billion websites as of May 2022, and there are around 576,000 new websites coming online every day. There are a lot of websites. In order to ensure your website looks professional and credible, you must do everything you can.

How to pick a domain name

It's important to give serious thought to the domain name of your website since it's the first thing potential customers see when searching for you online, the name people will mention when recommending you to a friend, and the brand. The domain name is the first thing potential customers see when seeking you out online, and if it's unmemorable or confusing, they're unlikely to find you. A site like Google, for example, has been up and running for 24 years, so you've undoubtedly used it thousands of times. And when telling someone to search for something online a vast majority of people will say “Google it” the domain name and company name has become synonymous with searching for things online.

Chose something short

- To make it easier to remember an address, keep it short.

Make it easy to spell

- People should know what you are talking about when you mention it.

Don't use slang

- You are pretty much guaranteed to alienate a chunk of your current audience if you choose a particularly trendy name now. Instead, pick a classic-sounding web address that will still be in demand in years to come.

Clear and memorable

- Don’t use a foreign word in your domain name if you're in the UK because your customer may get confused. If you're a fashion retailer, don't use the words 'cars' or 'food' in your domain.


- This is due to something called processing fluency— our brains' ease of processing information. It is easier to remember and think of names that do not require much effort.

Unique and branded - Consumers rely on brand identity protection in today's digital world. A branded domain can boost traffic to your website by establishing trust and boosting traffic. Consumers know that there is only one website with a particular brand name, which increases trust.

Domain history - It is worth seeing if this domain has any negative history, perhaps it was used previously for spammy purposes and has built up a negative reputation.

Use a keyword - You can attempt to clarify your business focus by including a keyword in your domain name e.g., This may not work if you plan to diversify into t-shirts and socks down the line, as it might be costly to change the domain name and may confuse your current audience if you do so. If you think it might happen in the future, leave room to expand. You can never be sure how your business might grow.

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