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Improve Website User Experience: Top 10 UX Tips for 2024

Creating a top-notch website user experience should be a top priority for any website owner in 2024. With increased competition in the digital landscape, ensuring that your visitors have an impeccable online interaction with your brand is the key to success. In fact, a survey conducted by PwC revealed that 73% of consumers consider user experience (UX) an essential factor in their purchasing decisions. This drives home the importance of providing a seamless and enjoyable digital journey for your users.

As an experienced web development company in Bury, Manchester, we understand the nuances of website design and development that can significantly affect the user experience. So, to help businesses make the most of their online presence, we've gathered our top 10 tips to improve the UX of your website in 2024.


1. Embrace Mobile-Friendliness

Mobile devices account for an ever-increasing share of online traffic, making it crucial for your website to cater to these users effectively. Adopting a mobile-first strategy ensures that your website is accessible across devices, with the design, layout, and functionality working seamlessly on smartphones and tablets as well as desktop computers. To achieve this, consider investing in responsive web design, using scalable images, and simplifying the navigation experience.


2. Lightning-Fast Load Times

Long waiting times for your website’s content to load will discourage users and can even harm your search engine rankings. Research suggests that the majority of users expect websites to load within just 3 seconds of visiting the page. Boost your page load speed by optimising media assets, minimising the use of unnecessary plugins, and compressing CSS and JavaScript files.


3. Streamlined Navigation

An easily navigable website offers a pleasant user experience that encourages visitors to explore your content and engage with your brand. Optimise your website's navigation by:

  • Using clear and descriptive labels for menus
  • Positioning the main menu prominently
  • Providing an easy-to-use search function

Additionally, adopting a user-centric approach to your site structure and layout will help users locate the content they’re looking for with ease.


4. High-Quality Visual Content

Visually captivating images and videos can elevate your website's overall look and feel, making it more appealing to your audience. Invest in professional photography, video production, and graphic design to ensure your visual content is top-notch. This attention to detail will offer your users a high-quality browsing experience and positively reflect on your brand.


5. Compelling Calls-to-Action

Utilising persuasive calls-to-action (CTAs) helps guide your visitors towards your desired goals or actions. Place these CTAs strategically throughout your website, using a clear, concise copy and eye-catching designs that grab the user's attention. This will increase the chances of converting casual visitors into loyal customers, subscribers, or clients.


6. Enhance Readability

Ensuring that your website's content is easily readable and digestible improves the user experience by allowing visitors to understand your message quickly. Be mindful of the typography and colour contrasts used on the site and favour short, punchy paragraphs over lengthy blocks of text. Break up lengthy articles with engaging images and use headers, lists, and bold text for improved readability.


7. Regular A/B Testing

Split testing helps you understand the preferences and behaviour of your target audience. Performing regular A/B tests on different design elements, content, and layouts informs data-driven decisions for optimising your website. This iterative approach results in a refined and effective website experience specifically tailored to your audience's expectations.


8. Design with Accessibility in Mind

Making your website accessible to users with disabilities not only broadens its reach but demonstrates corporate responsibility and inclusivity. Follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure your website is compliant and accessible to all audiences. Key considerations include:

  • High contrast colours for improved visibility
  • Clear headers and landmarks within a page
  • Alt text for images and descriptive captions for videos


9. Utilise White Space

Well-executed use of white space creates a visually appealing and balanced design that enhances readability and directs a visitor's attention to critical elements on your website. Strategies for effective white space usage include:

  • Adequate spacing between lines and paragraphs
  • Grouping elements into clearly defined sections
  • Avoiding cluttered designs and excessive text


10. Gather and Implement User Feedback

User feedback provides invaluable insights into the areas in which your website can improve. Conduct surveys, review analytics data, and monitor contact form submissions to gain an understanding of any prevalent issues or notable trends. Implementing changes based on this feedback ensures the ongoing improvement of your website's user experience.



Optimising your website's user experience should be a priority in today's competitive digital landscape. By implementing the ten tips outlined above, you can create a website that engages and appeals to your target audience, ultimately driving conversions and promoting the growth of your business. 

As expert Manchester web designers, Web Best Practice offers comprehensive expertise that can elevate your online presence with innovative and effective solutions. Reach out to us today!

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